Tuesday 7 April 2015

DIY Easter Bonnet

This tradition is new for us and I actually had to Google Easter Bonnet last year. I kinda knew it's a hat but how does it look like? It looked quiet complicated so I was really relieved to hear that kids are preparing their hats in school and will parade in front of their parents later. Uffff. .... but that was last year. This time it was all on me!

I was just about to hit the Pinterest for some inspiration when during a routine visit to a stationery store inspired my daughter to come up with a great idea. She just grabbed a pompom,  put it on her head and said - "mummies - can this be my Easter Bonnet?". Well, well - it was a brilliant idea and she looked so gorgeous with that pom-pom on her head it was a definite go on the project. We left the store with bunch of pom-poms in different colors to choose from and I was really content that we have an idea for Easter Bonnet already. I had all the Easter decoration at home so it looked like we are ready to build it!

So basically this is what we did a day before the school parade. I opened my pom-pom only half way to leave a flat side which I needed to attach to the headband later. You can either buy a ready made pom pom here or you can make it from the scratch using this tutorial.

There is a piece of string in the middle of the pom-pom which I saved to attach it to the headband but unfortunately this didn't work. I needed a flat base to glue the pom-pom on so I cut a piece of cardboard from an old shoe box and fixed the pom-pom on it. Then I run pieces of clear tape around the headband onto the cardboard to keep it tightly fixed. It worked perfectly! I know it's really amateur way of doing it but I get credit for being creative and doing it for the first time:)

I decorated it with anything I had around the house that was springy or Easter y:)  I am sure you can find something like plastic eggs, yellow feathers, small chicks, etc. Anything works really - just go with the flow.

Have a look at all the pictures here if my description seems unclear or confusing to follow. It's really easy project and we got so many complements on how creative and gorgeous it is. It was the only one Easter Bonnet like this in school so really one of the kind design! I'm so proud of my little hat designer who was so happy parading and feeling so wonderful about a great team work she did with her mum.

Ho can we beat it next year??:)

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