Disney Frozen Party treats!

By | 5/28/2014 Leave a Comment

Frozen theme is far most popular these days than Scooby Doo and Jetson Family when I was little. Thanks to all the wonderful sites like Pinterest you can know get inspired in minutes. Girls are absolutely crazy about Olaf and Elsa and this is terrifying all the mothers out there especially during Bday Party time. I am at the moment trying to put together a party for my 5 year old daughter and honestly I am a bit overwhelmed with the information and research. I think I need to simplify and go the easy route. Let's see.

I compiled some of my own research on Frozen treats for a party that are both easily prepared and pretty quick to make.
Have fun in the kitchen with your daughters! We will!

Who doesn't like a pancake? Here is great and easy recipe for snowflake pancake and Olaf donuts!

And that is a simple show stopper! Gorgeous and recommended by Elsa!
Find a recipe on Mom Endevours.

How about Olaf for dinner? Yum yum! Super healthy and so quick recipe to follow on Kitchen Fun with my 3 sons.

And there is no party without cupcakes! Spoonful is giving us this simple recipe for Frozen inspired cupcakes that require just about 45min of time to prepare. And the look on your child's face - priceless!

Peppermint Rock Candy created by Simply Designing by Ashley! Find recipe here. It is relatively simple to make however you need a candy thermometer.I can see that you can also use it to decorate a simple cake! Briliant!

Have fun with all those recipes and remember that the most important is to have fun at a Bday Party! I doesn't all have to look so perfect.
Share some of your recipes if you came across something easy and sweet - would love to see some of your ideas!


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