Orangery Baby Shower

By | 5/06/2015 Leave a Comment

Emilia is our youngest friend I guess but definitely the most funny one! We all love her to bits and I just had to organize something special for her second pregnancy. Since we planned to visit Orangery in Adliya for quiet some time but always something stood on our way I decided this is a perfect occasion to dine there.

I met Emilia when she first came to Sticky Fingers with her newborn daughter Quinn and.....she just say "hello" and let after 5 minutes. I felt really bad thinking she didn't like it and maybe I didn't pay enough attention to her when she arrived but it turned out she just realized that since her 3 months old is sleeping in a carrier at the moment what is the point of her staying? Well once she met us she quickly changed her mind and used to come regularly with sleeping Quinn and just enjoyed her time on the floor with coffee and chatting with other mums. Not to mention that she is taking the longest trip to come to Sticky Fingers as she is living in Saar which is about 20 min drive. She must really LOVE us!:)

I invited about 15 ladies - her favorite buddies from all the circles - and booked a long table at Orangery. Got scared there for a minute when they told me there is no availability for that day (and I invited everyone already without checking with the restaurant!) but it was just a simple misunderstanding. Every single person who was invited confirmed so I was really happy (except 2 mums who simply couldn't make it due to kids being sick:(.

Place looked gorgeous and food was to die for! Just have a look at the pics and judge for yourself. Orangery is not that cheap but definitely worth it. Decor is fab, service was excellent, quality of food top notch. It was pretty easy to forget about few little things that I personally didn't care much about. I was told strollers are not allowed inside which is a strange rule. On top of that they do not have any high chairs which makes it really difficult to control your little one. But I do look at things from mummy's perspective which I understand may not be the case for everyone.

Overall place is gorgeous and definitely worth visiting. It was absolutely packed during morning hours on Tuesday so it speaks for itself.

I hope Emilia will have a fantastic memory of that morning when all her friends from Bahrain took time out to come and celebrate with her becoming mother for a second time! Gift were absolutely unbelievable - see the pics! Especially car keys found in Swarovski bag??? Hahahaha.... they were thrown there by mistake but have a look at Emilias face when she found them! Priceless!

I made my signature diaper cake which I feel is always a practical and cute baby shower gift. Emilia is leaving to have her son in Germany and will only come back when the little dude is few months old so I thought bigger size diapers may come handy!:)

Happy Baby Shower Emilia! All your girlfriends from Bahrain!

Orangery is really classy and beautiful place for an afternoon tea or a morning oriental breakfast. I absolutely loved their plates and cuttlery!

Ladies started coming and we were ordering our breakfast but couldn't really decide. Orangery has an option for shared breakfast - oriental or Orangery breakfast - but seemed like non of us was willing to share any of it!:) We all go for an individual portions and I think we got everything from the menu!

One of our friends are making these amazing oils infused with herbs and they help for hair loss. Emilia got a  limited edition of this special mix with secret ingredients!

And then all the gifts extravaganza started! Seemed like there will be no end to this! Emilia says she is covered for 2 years!

Did she get a car????

And then....our food arrived! I feel like this deserves the whole separate post! Have a look at what we had!

The food was divine. Absolutely yummy and gorgeous looking. Really worth the money!
We added few small group pictures and were ready to finish. Emilia was exhausted but happy!

Gorgeous Emilia + one!

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