Best Baby Shower Ever

By | 6/07/2014 2 comments

Our playgroup offers full package - once you become one of us you stay one of us FOREVER!:) That happened to our friend Sol. She used to be our regular with her daughter Lucia but once Lucia joined pre-school they stopped coming. But Sol is pregnant again so we never actually let her go! We are hoping that she will stay a Sticky Fingers mum for a few more years now!:)

I just had to throw a shower for her as she is simply the funniest mum I know. We are all so super excited she is having a boy this time as now she will have a "full package" at home!
The idea was simple - few balloons and food as Sol is constantly hungry during this pregnancy. And what can make a pregnant women more happy than a table full of baked good and home made savory items from all over the world? Especially the traditional Russian honey cake left us all wanting more! I MUST bake it myself soon and share the recipe with you as it is simply something you have never taste before!

 Words cannot describe what morning it was! All the girls spend hours in their kitchens to prepare a royal feast and each of them contributed. We had special chai delivery from Esquires Coffee from a mum who couldn't join us but made sure she left a gift and whipped cream strawberry chai for Sol!

Our circle time was absolutely fabulous! So many girls with kids and beautiful voices! Kids were hoping, clapping and singing along with us - priceless! I wish I asked someone to video tape it as surely it would be a hit on YouTube!:)

There was lots of dancing with kids and generally love was all around!

And there were bouquets of flowers and baby clothes and baby toys, etc. etc. etc. Unbelievable! And the turn out was fantastic as everyone I invited made it plus more! We were running a full house of mums and kids and everyone simply had the best time! This is surely a baby shower we will remember! As I as taking Sol back home after we could hardly fit to my 7 seater with all the kids and gifts and strollers and flowers! WOW!

We had absolutely fantastic time and we created lots of memories for Sol and her family. We love you dear and hoping to meet your little dude soon! xxx


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  1. Hey, this baby shower looks absolutely amazing. You know I too am a party planner and going to organize a surprise bridal shower for my cousin so have booked the best event space San Francisco online. They offer discounts as well so I saved some decent money.
